Dunndeal Gazettes is spreading God’s word through literature!
A Better End Times
What does our future look like, and what does the Bible really say about the “signs of the end”? Is it all “doom and gloom” or is the future bright? ...
Lost Lamb of Lutz
By Violet Skye "Lost" takes on both physical and biblical context as a lamb is separated from her flock and shepherd. She wanders the Earth and experiences many wonderful places; ...
A Day in the Life of An Angel
By Violet Skye Angels surround us in everyday life. Sometimes we see their work and we call it a miracle. Other times, the caring and intervention are invisible and offered ...
God told Debbie Carson to Share Her Testimony and She Has – Through Her Books
By Karen McBride A parent with post traumatic stress disorder, a sister that passed away at a young age, and going through a divorce are just a few of the ...
God Has Opened Another Door for Canines 4 Christ Founder Larry Randolph
By Karen McBride It started one morning when Chaplain Larry Randolph was spending time in his devotional. He was reading Provers 3:5-6 ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart ...
Divinely Connected: Praying Through Life’s Struggles
We all have them - changes in seasons, major life events, unexpected surprises. We are on our knees fighting from victory knowing God is our champion. When we take our ...
Destined To Prosper: Align Your Biblical Financial Personality With Strategies To Build Wealth And Abundance
There is power in knowing your Biblical Financial Personality! Biblical money management expert Dr. Chonta, brings an all-new approach to unlock keys to smart money management. With wisdom from Biblical ...
Financial Wisdom For Financial Freedom: Practical Financial Stewardship
A marriage of finances, faith and facts exposing the schemes of forces that are putting many in bondage today. It's time for individuals and communities to be enlightened and freed ...
Not Just Paper: Principles For Financial Success
Money talks and it has a lot to say about you! It speaks of your passions, your character, your discipline, your love and your work ethic. Align yourself with proven ...
Tampa Author’s new book examines the Woman’s Role in God’s Kingdom
"Woman Where is Your Crown" is a new book written specifically for women out of the author's passion for ministry to women of all ages. In this book, the author ...
God’s Unseen Plan
One father is dead, another father in prison. I was almost sixteen and having the time of my life. I played football on Thursday nights and marched in the band ...
“Reading the Florida Landscape” by Dr. Robert Norman
Be sure to read Dr. Norman's book "Reading the Florida Landscape". Reading the Florida Landscape offers all levels of nature enthusiasts an opportunity to improve their skills and increase their ...
Janetta Fudge-Messmer – “Early Birds”
This is the first book of the Early Bird series... When Betsy’s husband announces, out of the blue, he wants to retire early and buy an RV, half of her ...
Worth the Read…
We want to help promote books written by our fellow Christians. If you are an author, please send us a brief overview of your Christian book (200 words or less), ...
Janetta Fudge-Messmer – “Waltzing with a Grease Monkey”
Penelope Price prays about dating Derek (her boss) again, but all they talked about the last time were cars they worked on at the auto shop. Along with mechanicing, she ...
Kristy Johnson – “Redeeming Love: Still Small Voice Series, Book 1”
Kristy Johnson’s debut book, “Redeeming Love: Still Small Voice Series Book 1”, was first published in January of this year. It also made it to the number two spot on ...
Claire Kerrigan – “Oh Wonderous Grace Chronicle”
Oh Wondrous Grace Chronicle is an Evangelical Christian magazine. Our goal is to encourage women in midlife to use the gifts they have received to serve others, as faithful stewards ...
Jeff Welsh – “MomWar: The Memoir”
From a young age, Jeff Welsh knew that God's hand was upon him. In this poignant memoir, he shares with readers the powerful ways that God brought healing to his ...
Janetta Fudge-Messmer – “Pigtails and a Tool Belt”
Samantha Barry realizes the business she’s taken over from her dad is one leaky faucet away from a total flush. And her boyfriend, who promised to follow her to Colorado, ...
Brae Wyckoff, Award Winning Author, “Demons & Thieves”
A thief in search of his destiny. A man in search of his son. The Messiah fated to meet them both. Demons & Thieves is a fast-paced, riveting tale of ...