Thanks to community stakeholders such as Absolute Auto Repair in Dover and Judy Wise with the Plant City Elks Lodge miracles happened! Jesse Dozier was presented with a donated car making it possible to make his medical appointments and other errands that are necessary.
The mission of Liberty Manor for Veterans; Inc. is to promote the developmental and social needs of disabled and honorably discharged veterans who have fallen victim to homelessness providing transitional; supported housing and establishing objectives designed to attribute to self-sufficiency. Anyone interested in assisting this meritorious initiative, please contact Connie Lindsay (813) 900-9422, or Liberty Manor for Veterans (a 501c3 nonprofit organization), website, 10015 N 9th Street Tampa, FL 33612; or the mailing address P.O. Box 274081 Tampa, FL 33688-4081. Veterans are certainly worthy of our help. EIN #02-0775720.