By Karen McBride
The Well is a women’s Bible study and training ministry. Women from all denominations learn and grow in their personal walk with God with opportunities to develop leadership skills through Bible study and mentoring.
Susie Walther, president and founder of The Well, began the ministry with the goal of “helping women not only become disciples of Jesus Christ, but also to train them to go and make disciples within their churches and communities,” said Walther.
The Well has outgrown its central location for hosting Bible studies and is looking for new accommodations to meet their needs. As many as 150 women attend The Well Bible studies and training opportunities per day. At this time, women from across the Tampa Bay area have opened their homes or are meeting in coffee shops to share God’s word and study the Bible together. What is amazing is the fact that when it was centralized, it only had the ability to hold up to 9 Bible studies in a day, but now that it has dispersed across the area, it continues to grow, as many more studies have started with many women attending.
“They are reaching new women, women who might never step into the door of a church,” said Kristina Jensen, Chairman of The Well Bible Study Ministry, Inc.
The fall session is beginning in September. Studies include The Book of James (a Joyce Meyer study), What’s It Like to be Married to Me? (by Linda Dillow), The Bait of Satan (by John Bevere), Hearing God (by Peter Lord), and more.
To find a Bible study near you, go to