Photo caption: Dade City, Rodney Cox Elementary
During the month of July, the Pasco County Tax Collector’s Office accepted donations from the public to purchase backpacks and school supplies for students in need. Due to the hard work of staff and the generosity of a giving community, Tax Collector Mike Fasano’s office was able to raise $20,395.65. The majority of the funds were used to purchase back-to-school supplies. A smaller portion of the donations collected were used to assist in the purchasing of classroom supplies for teachers. Each school received 75 completely filled backpacks and a check for $1,750.00 for teachers to purchase classroom supplies.
The Pasco Tax Collector’s Office has five branches in the county. Each office chose one school close to that office with a large percentage of children in need. During the first week of this month, staff members from each office delivered the backpacks and school supplies to the principals and teachers.
The Pasco County Tax Collector’s Office supports local charitable organizations that assist residents of Pasco County throughout the entireyear. This is the second year the office has held its own charitable promotion for the sole purpose of assisting students who live and go to school near each office. For more information about the charitable giving programs and other services at the Pasco Tax Collector’s Office, please visit or call Greg Giordano, Assistant Tax Collector at 727-847-8179.