By Samantha Taylor
The quality of our life is dependent on the quality of our habits. When most people think of habits, they think of “bad” habits but the beautiful thing is that we can actually build our life full of good habits too! That’s why it’s important to invest some time into understanding what habits are and how to change them.
The powerful thing about a habit is it runs automatically, which means when it’s set up in your life, you don’t have to think about it much. You want to make sure you don’t have a bunch of bad habits running your life because that will quickly end you up at a destination of results that you don’t want.
Learning how to set up habits that can help serve you in this life and set you up for success is SO critical. If you change your habits to serve your results, you will change your results. That’s why it’s so important to invest some time in your life and think about what your habits are. Are those habits helping you or harming you? What is it going to COST you in life if you continue doing that “bad” habit?
Your thoughts turn into actions, actions repetitively done turn into habits and our habits determine our results. Did you know that about 95% of people that lose a large amount of weight gain it back? And most women say they have gained and lost the same weight over 5 times!
And honestly, to get in the 5% that loses it and keeps it off, habits have a lot to do with it. Usually, people that maintain their weight compared to people that don’t, have different healthy habits set up that basically run their life on autopilot. That is one reason why it seems “easier” for them to lose weight and keep it off.
Analyzing and CHOOSING your habits is how you can use habits to your advantage instead of them being harmful and just wondering what happened to have those bad results. Knowing how to set up habits in your life for automated success is so critical to helping you get the results you want. The bible has scriptures about habits as a path, a way you live your life.
The first place you want to start is to stop and look at your life and ask yourself, “What habits do I have that are actually causing these issues for me?” Here are some examples of habits that contribute to weight gain or food cravings, these habits can set you up for self-sabotage:
1) Consistently eating something sweet after a meal.
2) Once you start eating a delicious meal, you can’t stop yourself from eating too much, even if you know you have eaten enough.
3) You go to a restaurant with good intentions to eat well but when you see the menu, you just get tempted and eat whatever, not thinking about the consequences.
4) Not drinking enough water (yes, not doing something can be a habit too).
5) Snacking late at night on higher carb foods or sugar before you go to bed.
Each person has different habits so that is why you want to look at your own life and ask yourself which ones they are for you. I did a recent TV show in New Zealand about how to change habits, you can see that on my website My new TV show and radio show airs weekly on a free app called PRAY. Get it so you can stay connected and receive weekly inspiration.
To read more of Samantha Taylor’s articles, click here.