GFWC LUTZ-LAND O’ LAKES WOMAN’S CLUB raised $500 in funds needed to cover the cost of its member Guardian Shirley Willhite’s flight to escort ‘her’ veteran, Bob Prairie, to visit Washington, D.C. in a whirlwind tour of the various war memorials and other monuments. Bob Prairie is a Vietnam Veteran who served in the Navy, and both he and Ms. Willhite were deeply moved by the experience of visiting Arlington Cemetery, the Korean War, and WWII Memorials and Jefferson Memorial and Lincoln Monument. 75 veterans were honored on this 50th Honor Flight and each was paired with an escort, since many are in need of assistance. It was a very emotional experience for all the veterans as well as their guardians. Their very busy day began at 3am and ended late evening on the return flight to a huge warm welcome reception at the St. Petersburg/Clearwater Airport with loud applause, music, and much flag waving.
The Woman’s Club has proudly supported Honor Flight – West Central Florida for many years and this was the second trip it funded to send its own members as escorts, with plans to send more club escorts on future flights.
For more information on this community service organization and membership opportunities, please visit
Photo courtesy of Deborah Erdahl