By Samantha Taylor
One of the hardest parts about life is that it can be very difficult sometimes. Things don’t always work out as you have planned. Crisis can happen, you can lose loved ones, dreams that you’ve been working on for 25 years can end. It’s a common thing that many people have gone through these last four years.
The one thing I have learned about life is the ability to adjust in any environment that you find yourself in totally impacts your experience. We can’t always control what happens to us but what we can control is how we respond to it. Even though things can be difficult, it’s different when we take responsibility for the fact that we do have a part in our experience of that circumstance, based on how we respond and how we perceive it.
I have also had to learn this the hard way. Going through losing my health and fitness company that I invested 30 years of my life into and then in the middle of that, my husband and best friend of 29 years dying and going to heaven. If I wasn’t grounded in God and focused on the fact that He is still good and I can still trust Him no matter what happens in life, my response to those things would’ve been completely different.
It doesn’t mean it wasn’t difficult and there weren’t deep moments of intense pain and sorrow that almost felt unbearable. But what it does mean is that you learn to pick up the pieces whatever is left, even though you would’ve never wanted it to happen. And you choose to figure out how those pieces tie into your future. It really is a learned skill to have the ability to adjust, it’s like an art form really. But when you trust God and you know that His long term and short term plan is what matters more than ours, then there is a different level of experience in the difficulties.
And as I have had to climb my way through the deepest valleys I’ve ever walked through in my life, I have learned that they are not an end. They are actually a channel that you walk through that is a part of getting you to the next journey that you are supposed to be on. Not that you asked for the valley or even wanted it but when it happened and know there was nothing you could do about it, then the key is adjusting and asking God, “What do You want me to do with my life now?”
Because of the amount of difficult things I’ve walked through in my life, I knew that it was my heart’s passion to share with others the power of how to apply the Bible to change our lives and how amazing it is having a deep relationship with God. Those two things impacted my entire life and they are the two things that I love talking about the most!
So in this adjustment phase of figuring out what I’m doing with my life since it’s completely different in all areas, God has opened the door for me to have my own TV show!!! It is very humbling and exciting at the same time. It just went live on national television last month to millions of people weekly!! AND God has opened the door for me to be on another TV show going to 250 million homes in the fall…it is all so astounding what is happening!!! It’s such a testament to me about perseverance and persistence even through difficulties. I inspire you to keep pressing through because you have no idea what’s waiting on the other side of you making it through your tough times too.
My new TV show is called “Divine Life Transformation”. God has combined my passion for sharing powerful principles of the Bible with my love for God’s nature. The show is designed around sharing life transforming principles while I take you hiking in epic scenery from California, New Zealand, Utah, Mexico, Nevada to Fiji!
To check it out, I put my TV episodes on my YouTube channel every Saturday morning, so you can find them without cable. Go to my website to get the place to view the TV show. I encourage you to set a goal to watch at least one episode this week, you’re going to love it! I am excited for you to join me on the journey of YOUR divine life transformation too. I will see you there!
To read more of Samantha Taylor’s articles, click here.