While Independence Day is a time of celebration and excitement, it can be a source of great anxiety for pets when loud noises and bright flashes from fireworks overwhelm them. Consider these tips to ensure a pet-friendly celebration.
• Designate a secure and comfortable space in your home where your pet can retreat during the fireworks.
• Play soothing music or turn on a white noise machine in this designated space to help drown out the sound of fireworks.
• Distract your pet with interactive toys or puzzles that can divert their focus from loud noises.
• Compression shirts or vests can provide comfort by providing a gentle, constant pressure.
• Anti-anxiety medications or natural supplements might be an option for pets with severe anxiety. Contact your vet to learn about your options.
• Keep your pet indoors during the fireworks display. Close all windows and doors to minimize noise and bright flashes.
• Remain calm and composed around your pet. Animals are intuitive and can pick up on human emotions.
Visit your nearest Royal Pets Market to help prepare for the Fourth of July fireworks or even summer thunderstorms. For pet emergencies, call (813) 798-7775 or visit RoyalPetsUrgentCare.com.